The Sligo Middle School PTSA provides outreach at events outside of and within Sligo grounds. PTSA community engagement and outreach fosters community for Sligo students and supporters
Montgomery Hills Street Fest April 29, 2023 - members of the PTSA, several Sligo 7th graders, and our beloved Stallion represented the PTSA at the Montgomery Hills Street Fest. We met lots of members of our community, handed out lots of lollipops, and just had a blast connecting with our "neigh"-bors! Thanks to our Sligo families who stopped by to say hello!
Hosting Montgomery County Board of Education (BOE) members
Members of the PTSA board and Principal Mr. Crable participated in a Montgomery County Council of PTAs (MCCPTA) event hosting Montgomery County Board of Education (BOE) members. The board directs MCPS policies that the superintendent implements, so they need to hear our voices to know what our students and teachers need. We met most of the board members as well as some elected officials and their representatives (some of whom are Sligo MS alums!) and had some great conversations.
Plays at Sligo
Concerts at Sligo
Interested in helping out with outreach? Check the Leadership page for a Committee Member or Representative contact to assist. When in doubt, the Sligot PTSA president welcomes inquiries.