The Sligo Middle School PTSA Mini Grant Program provides funding for Sligo teachers and staff to enrich student academic and community life. PTSA funded Mini-Grants help our enterprising staff enhance the Sligo student experience
Recent Mini Grant Assisted Programs
After School Homework Club
Academic Subscriptions: French WordWall; Senor Wooly; and Read 180
Stress Relief Materials for lunch periods and FUN FRIDAYS
Resources for Developmental Reading Group
Sligo Writing Contest Prizes
Health Education Resources
National Junior Honors Society
Erin Yun Books for Sligo Media Center
Prizes for Book Cover Contest
Yugioh Club
Author Visits and Books
Student Service Learning (SSL)Projects
Model UN
Lunar New Year Presentation
Invent the Future: Field Trip to KID Museum
Prizes for Sligo Creative Writing Contest
Book Study for Students
National History Day
Career Day
Class Library
BookMark Contest Supplies
Academic Subscriptions: French WordWall; Senor Wooly; and Read 180
Staff book study on Grading for Equity
National History Day Competition Prizes
Book Wars T-shirts
Creative Writing Contest Prizes
Vests for Choral Performances
Music Mania Support for Spring Outdoor Concert
Books to Support Author Dhonielle Clayton Visit
Support for 6th Grade Field Trip to ZavaZone
Fidget Bands for student focus
Academic Subscriptions: WordWall; Sight Reading Factory; Senor Wooly; and Superteacher
S’More Newsletter Subscription
During an unprecedented pandemic school year, with funds from PTSA’s mini grants, Sligo staff helped students stay connected, engage in fun activities, take on academic challenges, and return to school. Here are examples of programs assisted by mini grants this school year:
6 “fast-tracked” online academic subscriptions (including Padlet, Classkick, GIMKIT, Illustoria)
Staff book study to encourage resilient learners
Virtual magician for the whole school (followed up with a Sligo magic club!)
Greek Mythology Mainstages event
Hydroponic plant supplies for 7th grade science
Mulch to keep the school’s inside-garden healthy
Outdoor Ed materials for 6th AND 7th graders (funded from Grants and other PTSA budget lines)
National History Day awards
Mathlete competition support
Book Wars t-shirts
Food pantry storage supplies
Surge protectors for returning students to charge Chromebooks/laptops
Interested in helping out with the mini grant program? Check the Leadership page for a Committee Member or Representative contact to assist.