There are many ways you can get involved with Sligo PTSA. Join, Volunteer, donate, attend meetings! There are many ways in which you can donate your time, talent and treasure to be involved in your child’s school.
How can you get involved?
Become a Member. Please join the PTSA! Parental involvement is so important and has been proven to be the greatest predictor of student success. Through membership, you will connect with Sligo teachers and administration, with other parents, and discover valuable parenting resources. You will have a voice in your child’s education! You can join by going to the “Join or Renew” page on this website.
Attend PTSA meetings. Please attend our PTSA meetings, to stay informed about important school events and participate in discussions about matters affecting our school. PTSA Meetings usually take place on the second Tuesday of each month. Meetings start at 7:00 p.m.
Join the Listserv. Please join the listserv sponsored and moderated by the PTSA, to stay informed about important school events and participate in discussions about matters affecting our school. Join by sending an email to:
Follow Us. You can stay up-to-date on PTSA News & Events on Facebook.
Donate. Your donations help support the PTSA’s programs throughout the year. No amount is too small or too large. You can donate via PayPal, Venmo, or from the Memberhub store (no account required).
Volunteer. The PTSA cannot accomplish anything without its current volunteers. Plus volunteering is a great way to participate in and contribute to the Sligo Middle School community. To volunteer, please contact TBD; any help is appreciated.
Fundraising. You can help by seeking donations, volunteering, or identifying business sponsors. To get involved, contact email